Our hope is that our children will know, love, and serve Jesus Christ from an early age. While salvation belongs to the Lord, we provide engaging weekly Bible lessons, fun activities, and loving teachers that strive to help parents to "train up a child in the way they should go" (Proverbs 22:6). 


Available for children birth to 2 years old, our nursery is located in the entry hall. Children may be dropped off after announcements.

Children's Church Classes

Preschool (3-5 year olds), K-2nd Grade, 3rd-5th Grade
Children's Church is available for children three years old to fifth grade. Children will join the adults in worship before being dismissed to Children's Church after announcements. For the safety of your children, only parents or guardians are allowed to pick up children from Children's Church.


Our Children's Church follows the "Generations of Grace" curriculum. In class children are lead through the narrative of Scripture, from Genesis through Revelation, outlining God’s redemptive plan.