EASTER Eggstravanganza

What is Easter Eggstravanganza?

Easter Eggstravanganza is Living Rock's annual Easter outreach event. Families from the community are invited to join us from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Saturday, April 12th at Thunder Basin High School. Come enjoy an egg hunt, live animal pictures, inflatables and more!

Then join us for worship at 9:00 a.m. on Easter Sunday, April 20th, at Living Rock Church.

Egg Hunt

Animal Pictures

Cookie Decorating


Inflatable Bounce Houses

Eggstravaganza Lite

If you have a kiddo who will do better in a calmer environment, we've got you covered. Eggstravaganza Lite is a sensory friendly experience with all of the Easter festivities. Look for the Eggstravaganza Lite signs at TBHS, there will be a separate entrance.